Paul and Linda McCartney

Mon, 20 Apr 1998 20:20:25 -0400 (EDT)

I'm one of those who rarely pipes in at f_m. But when I feel that something
needs to be said I might say it.

Since childhood John was always my favorite Beatle. But, over the years
somehow Paul snuck up and became more favored and eventually, one of my top
five favorite musicains ( along w/ Bill Morrisey, Geoff Bartley, Donovan and
Christian Bauman).

In this strange world of compartmentilization, somehow Paul's latest album,
"HUmble Pie" has failed to achieve the recognition that is its due. Too bad!
It is a finely produced album with excellent songs and is a good model for how
to produce your music if yours is a cross between folk/acoustic and pop as is

Last night on "Time and Again", a TV show, I saw past interviews of Paul w/ or
w/o Linda. The clips were mostly of his talking about his marriage and how he
puts family first. He explained how he has found the balance between family
life and his music career. It's simple. He simply conciders his
responsibility toward and love of his family and realizes that these must come
before career. It was nice for me to see a demonstration of putting ego (in
this case the pursuit of one's own goals above all others) in the backseat
behind love (in this case family). I think that this HUmility ( or HUmble -
ness ) can be heard in Paul's music throughout his career. I think this is
why Paul has become such a favorite of mine - because like my other favorites
he speaks without words of innate HUman qualities that are better off lived
than preached.

That's really all I have to say. Perhaps a few kind thoughts towards Paul
poured into the collective consciousness of this universe will help the man
through the pain of the passing of his wife, Linda.

- spook handy